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Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location

Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Folder Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location Open this folder using Windows Explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets But files do not have an extension. How to open the lock screen background picture Do not change these files, Just copy all these files to a temp folder. After copying the files to the folder, then open the command line window by typing CMD in the address bar of that folder. It will open up the command line window.  Then type ren *.* *.jpg Now you will be able to open or even see them from the thumbnail view.

Download a single folder or directory from a BRANCH in GitHub repo

How to download a single Branch folder from a GitHub repository

├── main/ 
│   ├── .......
│   ├── docs
│   ├── ....... 
│   ├── src 
│   └── ....... 
└── release/2.2
    ├── docs
    ├── .........
    └── src
     └─── Templating
        ├── src
        │    |...........
        │    ├── Microsoft.DotNet.Web.ProjectTemplates
        │    │  |...........
        │    │  └─── content
        │    │      |...........
        │    │      └── RazorPagesWeb-CSharp
	│    │
        │    │...........

I wanted to download a folder from the GitHub branch. But how can we download only a folder (or part of the source), there is no option on the GitHub website to download a folder. 

At the time of writing this easiest way to do this is to use the code sandbox. 

Here is the magic

Open repo to code sandbox by replacing github to githubbox in URL. Then on code sandbox go to files pain on the left and hover the mouse over the down arrow,  it will show a popup tooltip  "Export to Zip".  Just click on it to download the folder as a zip file.

An example

To get the following small size folder from the huge aspnetcore repo:

Just change only the part of the URL to

Figure 1

This saved my time a lot in the past. Hope this will useful for someone as well.


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Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location

Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Folder Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location Open this folder using Windows Explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets But files do not have an extension. How to open the lock screen background picture Do not change these files, Just copy all these files to a temp folder. After copying the files to the folder, then open the command line window by typing CMD in the address bar of that folder. It will open up the command line window.  Then type ren *.* *.jpg Now you will be able to open or even see them from the thumbnail view.