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Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location

Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Folder Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location Open this folder using Windows Explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets But files do not have an extension. How to open the lock screen background picture Do not change these files, Just copy all these files to a temp folder. After copying the files to the folder, then open the command line window by typing CMD in the address bar of that folder. It will open up the command line window.  Then type ren *.* *.jpg Now you will be able to open or even see them from the thumbnail view.


Umbraco - The Friendly CMS

Umbraco is an Open Source content management system(CMS) developed using Microsoft ASP.NET C# and Microsoft SQL Server. The name Umbraco was given based on the Danish name ‘Umbraconøgle” which means Allen Key. in English. 

Quote from the original Umbraco web site:

A name that marks Umbraco as being a simple tool that will enable you to build marvelous solutions for your clients.

Since it uses ASP.NET,  its source code is well written using MVC architectural pattern, and easy to modify and maintain using Visual Studio IDE. 

There is one huge disadvantage for the apps develop using legacy .NET framework. The websites build using this framework can only be hosted on Windows Server base IIS (Internet Information Services)  web servers. Since Windows Server IIS hosting (ASP.NET web hosting) packages are relatively expensive in the past, not many ordinary developers will use this platform to create there blog web site. This is a little disadvantage for this quality framework compared to WordPress. 

There upcoming version is now completely developed using New Microsoft .NET Core (ASP.NET 5) architecture. So this will enable cross-platform installation, so future Umbraco web sites can be hosted on cheap Linux servers.

Little bit of history

Initially Umbraco was not open source project. Starting from Umbraco 2.0 release in 16th February 2005 they introduced the open source for the community. Since 2013 Umbraco source code moved to GitHub. 

The above picture is how the site was look like way back in 2011.

And this is how it looks like as of 04/07/2021

I will add more post on setting up and configuring Umbraco soon, stay tuned.


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