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Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location

Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Folder Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location Open this folder using Windows Explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets But files do not have an extension. How to open the lock screen background picture Do not change these files, Just copy all these files to a temp folder. After copying the files to the folder, then open the command line window by typing CMD in the address bar of that folder. It will open up the command line window.  Then type ren *.* *.jpg Now you will be able to open or even see them from the thumbnail view.

Android - Rooting ? - Bootloader unlock? - Custom ROM ? What is the order??

Rooting your Android? What is rooting?? Unlocking the bootloader ??? Confused!


The term root in the IT world initially came from the UNIX / Linux Operating Systems.  New stand-alone Android is built on top of the Linux OS. The root is equivalent to Administrator in Windows. So root access is administrative access to the file system. The root can add, edit and delete system files.

The root has the ability to change system files such as installing a system-wide ad-blocker by modifying the host file on your device, or uninstalling system apps, such as bloatware that comes pre-installed on your device. Without the root, one can only see files in the root directory instead of editing them.


Giving administrative access to the entire OS.  


A bootloader is a firmware, very similar to BIOS in a computer. It initializes the Linux kernel and loads all the necessary components required to boot into the Android. And it manages direct access to the device's partitions.

Unlocking The Bootloader.

Unlocking the bootloader enables the user (root) the right to do some modifications in a device like flashing custom ROM, recovery etc.

Teamwork - Bootloader And Root

A locked bootloader also locks write access to several partitions like the system partition. This is the reason why just rooting is not able to add, modify or delete system Apps without an unlocked bootloader.  Root needs write access to the system partition. Without an unlocked bootloader, the root can only do limited tasks.

Custom ROM

ROM is Read Only Memory, just like in CD-ROM or BIOS in a computer or bootloader in mobile. 

In mobiles, the operating system is installed in a ROM. Pure Open sourced Android is developed by Google. Mobile manufactures use that source code to brand and enhance the OS for their offerings and installed in the ROM. Then that ROM contains the Manufacture supported OS. Developer community also provide more customised OSes for those devices called Custom ROM

Tools In The Trade

How to unlock the bootloader

Use one of these 

ADB and fastboot tools. Download it from the official Android developer website.

Just to root the device:

Magisk, TWRP, SuperSU

For older devices use Kingo Root App

Use Kingoroot Super User to unroot it back.

Hope this will help to understand basics. 


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Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location

Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Folder Windows 10 Lock Screen Background Picture Location Open this folder using Windows Explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets But files do not have an extension. How to open the lock screen background picture Do not change these files, Just copy all these files to a temp folder. After copying the files to the folder, then open the command line window by typing CMD in the address bar of that folder. It will open up the command line window.  Then type ren *.* *.jpg Now you will be able to open or even see them from the thumbnail view.